Tweet Adder allows you to unfollow people automatically. With the tweet adder software I can set the number of people I would like to unfollow and let the software do the work for me.
With this amazing hands free tweet adder unfollowing feature, I can set the maximum number of peole I want to unfollow per day and at how many seconds I would like to do the unfollowing. For instance, If I want to unfollow people 100 people a day between 5 and 10 seconds, I can set my Tweet Adder software to do so, without any interaction from me at all.
Many people may ask why would I need to unfollow people on twitter. Well their are several reasons why a twitter user may want to unfollow users. One being maybe that person isnt following you. Two, maybe you are getting too many spammy twits, and three you want to kind of refresh you twitter account and I will speak on that in another post.
With Tweet adder software, unfollowing twitter users is easy and less time consuming. You can also create a twitter safe list for those special Twit users in your life.
Check out Tweet Adder today, It is definitly a great tool to use in your twitter efforts. You wil not be disappointed at all, as I know some software can disappoint you.