Friday, November 20, 2009 paid to social network

Thursday, November 19, 2009, Its Free and its fun
Taking over Facebook and Myspace case you earn money. to join, $300-$500 a Week
Get paid to do what you already do.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Peoplestring is giving away money
Make money as a free member.
PeopleString is a Free Social Network that pays!
Tired of clicking for pennies? Make money here
Peoplestring is giving away money

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Invite your friends to PeopleString and make $
PeopleString is a Free Social Network that pays!
[8:50:11 PM] Ebony: Get $300 to $500 per week with this Social Network.

Join PeopleString Free and Start Earning today
I found a site that pays us for using it
Tired of clicking for pennies? Make money here
Free Marketing Source
The Social Network that pays
Tired of clicking for pennies? Make money here
The Social Network that pays
The Social Network that pays
Join PeopleString Free and Start Earning today
I found a site that pays us for using it

Friday, November 13, 2009

Free Marketing Source
Tired of clicking for pennies? Make money here
Invite your friends to PeopleString and make $ with like minded people. you ready for this $500 a week blessing. join me in the best social network since Facebook, and Myspace.
This offer is just in time...
The holidays are coming, join me in making that almighty cash for some gifts.
Join Free and start earning big shopping money.
Make your efforts a finished product. $300 to $500 a week is easy with this free social network.
Let me get your attention..ummmm...I like it!
62 signups in a month..its hot..its fire..check it out! down and chill with this program, money is easy!
Refuse Trashy bad offers, join class...
The Social Network that pays Network that pays..not Yuwie junk
This is how Iget the majority of my signups.
I lost for a minute. But I got IT back with this one.
The Social Network that pays
Join PeopleString Free and Start Earning today
The Social Network that pays
Tired of clicking for pennies? Make money here
Join PeopleString Free and Start Earning today
The Social Network that pays
Tired of clicking for pennies? Make money here
Peoplestring is giving away money

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Peoplestring is giving away money
Peoplestring is giving away money
PeopleString is a Free Social Network that pays!
PeopleString is a Free Social Network that pays!
Tired of clicking for pennies? Make money here
PeopleString is a Free Marketing Source.
Free Marketing Source
Join PeopleString Free and Start Earning today
I found a site that pays us for using it
Invite your friends to PeopleString and make $
Invite your friends to PeopleString and make $
PeopleString is a Free Marketing Source.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tired of clicking for pennies? Make money here
Invite your friends to PeopleString and make $
Join PeopleString Free and Start Earning today me reach 50 signups--and make money with us. shopping money..let it be yours too.> What's my name. PeopleString, Peoplestring, Peoplestring! click the signup button...its free..don't be scared. new revolution of social networks.
Join the hottet social network that pays. Best of all its free
PeopleString is a Free Social Network that pays!
Free Marketing Source
Peoplestring is giving away money
Invite your friends to PeopleString and make $
Make money as a free member.
Invite your friends to PeopleString and make $
I found a site that pays us for using it
Tired of clicking for pennies? Make money here
PeopleString is a Free Marketing Source.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Invite your friends to PeopleString and make $
Peoplestring is giving away money
Invite your friends to PeopleString and make $
Peoplestring is giving away money
Tired of clicking for pennies? Make money here
Invite your friends to PeopleString and make $
PeopleString is a Free Marketing Source.
Tired of clicking for pennies? Make money here
Join Free today and start earning today... Unique Social Network that Pays..Not that Yuwie Junk. B-day is coming one wish is for you to join Peoplestring FRRREEEEE is just pure fun to me...could be to you to..check it out Free-Start Earning this out-A social Network that pays-Join Free
The Social Network that pays
PeopleString is a Free Social Network that pays!
PeopleString is a Free Marketing Source.
PeopleString is a Free Social Network that pays!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Free Marketing Source
PeopleString is a Free Marketing Source.
Tired of clicking for pennies? Make money here
I found a site that pays us for using it
You are welcome to enter-No delay No Hesitation
You have been drafted in the BSN-Best Social Network..What team will you choose.
The Pioneer of the internet-get involved.
No Limitations Here-The Sky is the limit-I dare you to try it.
You are just in time my friend and I found it for you. A gift from you to me.
Uncommonly Unique..may keep you on your feet.
Removing Doubt may allow you to see the potential in this...
The reward of social networking
Open your mind just a tiny bit 4 me..
Come & See..You have nothing to lose.
Found Something that is assurance of victory.
Working Well for me..see if it works for you.
Its a jungle on the internet-But this is like heaven.
One reason for joy for you today! Check it out:
The Compassionate Social Network...
This is just Blessings at Gods Table--See for yourself ..
Applaud Loud and often for this site-
One Secure Place...
We need a internet savior --This may be it.
A worry free site.
Do you have good timing? If so check this out.
Just thinking of you when I look at this.
If you believe you will get everything that is offered here.
Ask and Believe-Join and you will receive.
We all have the gift of choice...exactly why I chose this.
I forgive you if you don't see the quality in this site..
A Yoke of kindness from this site...tell me what you think.
Discover Miraculous Moments and Money Here:
Time is so precious...thats why this is so important..check it out.
I don't understand some things, but i do understand this works.
I surely wish I wouldnt known about this when it started..if only Twitter and Facebook did the same.
Does Social Networks Pay now...check this out and see what you think.
Are traffic Exchanges Dead? A very informative discussion here..Join and see what it says!
Just read some great tips about marketing on this member Social Network.
Peoplestring is giving away money
Free marketing Source
Seen this yet
Free Marketing Source
Join PeopleString Free and Start Earning today
Mailbox-Cashbox ... Money for walking to your
NEW SOCIAL SITE. Come see the difference!
Great Free Marketing Source.
Peoplestring is giving away money
PeopleString is a Free Social Network that pays!
PeopleString is a Free Social Network that pays!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

I found a site that pays us for using it
PeopleString is a Free Social Network that pays!
The Social Network that pays
getting ready to watch my Cowboys.
The Social Network that pays
Tired of clicking for pennies? Make money here
Free Marketing Source
Tired of clicking for pennies? Make money here source for free marketing.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

lil dude - man that girl is persuasion
light skin dude - caucausian you ignant ass
Dont be ignant-join here free and make $.
Peoplestrig get you that Bucky Naked $!!
"She black as tar. Got legs like a baseball bat. And I hear she got that nasty wimmens disease"-Adolph Caesar in The Color Purple
LMAO...nothing to say bout this one.
"Miss Celie finna shaaaaaaave mistuh"-The Color Purple. I'm finna make this $..come join me.
"ALL I GOT TO DO IS STAY BLACK AND DIE"-Joe Clark-All u got to do is press that sign up button.
Menance II Society - You know you just F*cked up , Right? Don't get fudged up! Join something Fun and Free.
Shug Avery -- See Daddy, Sinners have
souls too! & so do People Stringers w/cash!
Miss Pearly - Tell yo daddy i said
Tell PeopleString you'll HOLLAAAA
JERRY MAGUIRE- Show me the money! I got you right here baby!
Color Purple- Sophia - "You told Harpo to beat me"
PeopleString beat other social networks cuz it pays.
"And that's y i threw those bastards out and that's all i'm gonna say." "And the lord said Joe, U no damn good" but Peoplestring is..
Lean on Me-"U smoke crack don't cha, U smoke don't cha, look at me boy don't u smoke crack." Lol..
Friday-I kno u don't smoke weed, I kno this, but it's Friday, u ain't got no job, and u ain't shit to do.
Join Peoplestring on Saturday! Today.
What's Love Got To Do With It!!!!! Nothing! Make that money, don't let it make you.
"You aint never met no Martin Lutha da Kang"- Coming to America...LOL
Rush Hour --- "Do You Understand The Words That Are Coming Out My Mouth"-its Free
" I love you the shit won't go away" Love and Basketball--dedicated to Peoplestring
Forest Gump said life is like a box of chocalates, you never know what you're gonna get. With Peoplestring you do--Money--and its free.
People are flocking to PeopleString like Roaches! Don't front U know how roaches is! I love it...
Sick of me talking bout that darn Peoplestring, I know..just join already...its free!
I just promoted my other business on peoplestring to a bunch of hungry money makers, & getting paid to do so..hmmm makes dollars and sense. Its free to.
Say PeopleString,PeopleString,Peoplestring 3 times in the mirror, and get free money!
Take a Poll on the Peoplestring Social Network on whos going to win the NBA finals. Join Free and get $$ doing it.
See how many points you can rack up on peoplestring games..its pretty fun.
Its almost 2010. We should start thinking of New Years Resolution..I know mine.
Transform your way to free money. Come join Peoplestring-
Shake your money maker free here. Get paid for referring friends.
Its Free..Nuf Said.
People string is giving away money.
Make money as a Free Member. - Peoplestring is a great marketing source. Join Free

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I am convinced about Peoplestring

I have been apart of Peoplestring for a while now. I am totally convinced that if anyone plugs into this system, they will start making money as soon as they join. What a joy it is to be apart of such of an exciting, booming social network. I made money from just reading my e-mail, completing surveys, and simply just being an active member of Peoplestring.

Peoplestring truly pays you for what you already do, on the popular social networks such as Facebook, Myspace and Tagged. These are the most popular to include Twitter and none of them pay you to be apart and contribute to their site. Peoplestring is fre and all you have to do, is do what you are doing now.

Check it out for free and join now.


Can't Forget about good ole Topsurfer. This is one of the best Traffic Exchanges along with Trafficswarm and Webbizinsider. The Solo Ads are an awesome deal as well. Join free and remember do not underestimate the power of the Traffic Exchanges.
More to come so stay tuned!

Mammoth List

Add 100,000 to Your List for a One-Time $10

What if you could add 10,000... 100,000... even millions to your own personal list almost effortlessly?

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If you follow the simple instructions on the website that 100,000 will end up looking trivial.

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Only $10 one time! And it happens so fast it'll make your head spin.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

TrafficSwarm-Best Traffic Exchange

Arguably the best Traffic Exchange on the Internet. You can get genuine Traffic from this site and the key is to spend about 30-45 minutes and if you can afford it I would URGE you to upgrade to a pro account because the benefits are enormous. You get 2500 credits a month and you get unlimited links.

Join TrafficSwarm today even if it is the free version and start surfing and seeing hits to your site.

Search the Web:

Friday, September 18, 2009

PeopleString-Make Easy Money with PeopleString

Join PeopleString for free...and you get paid to do what you already do. PeopleString adds all the social networks like twitter, Facebook and Myspace and allows you to earn revenue even as a free member. If you become an upgraded member you earn even more. Refer your friends and family to people string its so easy and start earning today. Click on one of the banners, signup is easy, complete the short survey and you will see your first couple of dollars owed to you in as little as 15 minutes. Can't beat that.

Monday, September 14, 2009

TweetAdder - Twitter Auto Message

I have been using Tweetadder for some time now, and I have benefited from its features tremendously. Today I want to talk about one of my favorite features of this amazing twitter automation software which is the twitter auto message. This feature allows me to type a certain amount of tweets at once and let them run automatically in a time frame that I designate. I love have this type of tweet power.

I hate have to constantly sit in front of my computer or phone to send a message to my twitter followers. This
twitter direct message frees up my time to do other things, almost like outsourcing my marketing efforts but for much cheaper!

If you are new to marketing than you must understand that
tweet tools are imperative to have, especially since twitter continues to be such a powerful source for lead generation, and FREE at that. Tweetadder has all the features you as a newbie will need and caters to the marketing guru as well.

Advice that I try to give out and stick by is post a tweet with some substance, meaning, try not to post tweets with just your opportunity, get involved get to know your followers. That way your when you post a future tweet it will be given more attention because people will wanna hear what you got going on. When you tweet someone treat it as a personal conversation you are having with a friend.

Check out Tweetadder today, and start building your twitter foundation.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Twitter Software

Twitter is a great way to market your business, art, music and whatever craft you may be involved in. A great way to get started with Twitter is to get as many followers as you can.

Using Twitter Software will allow you to do this and much more. Twitter Software will allow you to minimize your time in front of the computer and automate your Tweets, get more followers with the push of a button.

Over the past year, we have all heard of twitter in the news and on various online news articles. Barack Obama used Twitter and various other social networks in his Presidential Campaign, and Ashton Kutcher became the first Twitter user to get 1 million followers.

What would 1 million Twitter mean to you? What could 1 million followers do for your business, your brand you art, or your music? If Twitter is used the right way this number of followers could clearly mean More Money, More Money More Money!!

In order for you to get the type of targeted follow -ers that you would need, it would behove you to get Tweet Adder Software.

Tweet Adder is the best Twitter Software on the market and not only that it pays for itself. When you become an affiliate for free the software sells so quikly you will earn money to pay for it and then some. Get Tweet Adder the greatest Twitter Software today!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Barack Obama and Twitter

Barack Obama our President used Twitter and many other social networks in his Presidential Campaign in 2008. Many people forget that Twitter is a very good source of marketing and can get you plenty of leads for your online business or affiliate program.

Tweet Adder Software is one of the better Twitter Software's because it can be used on MAC as well and it is a very strong Twitter app that will allow you to get lots of Twitter followers at once.

Barack Obama probable used similiar software like Tweet Adder to get a list of targeted follow
users in which he can send automatic messengers to.

Tweet Adder Software is so strong that you can chose an auto follow distance , you can narrow down to a twitter location search , and so many more automated Twitter capabilities.

The twitter location based search is am exclusive to Tweet Adder Software and can be customized to your likings that allows you to personally search by twitter location .

If you enjoy the messenger feature on twitter than you will definitely get a thrill from the Tweet Adder twitter auto message, as it allows minimum to NO user interaction what so ever. Tweet Adder is certainly a Set and Forget It Twitter Software that will generate lots of sales and or Income for your business.

If you do not currently use marketing tools apart of your online marketing ventures, then you are missing out on tons of automated earnings that can potentially end your online marking endeavors. tweet tools are a very important aspect of your marketing success.

As I have been marketing online for four years now, I personally know that you must Tweet Now, tweet later , Tweet all the time, the right way in order to make your presence online.

You can be a super tweet user and began to be the Tweet Leader opposed to the losing tweet follow - ER.

Stop Sitting in front of your computer hour after hour, and start working amarter not harder with Twee Adder and post a tweet in your sleep, while you are at work or spending time with the family with zero interaction or errors.

With Tweet Adder software you will began to see that if you simply tweet someone the right way you will began to brand your presence online with little to no effort.

This software allows you to tweet a link on autopilot and you can set the timing and efficiency of your link posting.

Enjoy the power of mass gather twitter id , and never have to worry about unwanted followers.

However, if you currently have a mass of unwanted followers, Tweet Adder allows you to auto-unfollower with the click of a button.

unfollowing is made so easy, otherwise you would have to manually search and un-add dead followers.

For more info check out me on Twitter at, and start using Tweet Adder TODAY!

follow me

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

"Unfollow Using Tweet Adder"

Tweet Adder allows you to unfollow people automatically. With the tweet adder software I can set the number of people I would like to unfollow and let the software do the work for me.
With this amazing hands free tweet adder unfollowing feature, I can set the maximum number of peole I want to unfollow per day and at how many seconds I would like to do the unfollowing. For instance, If I want to unfollow people 100 people a day between 5 and 10 seconds, I can set my Tweet Adder software to do so, without any interaction from me at all.
Many people may ask why would I need to unfollow people on twitter. Well their are several reasons why a twitter user may want to unfollow users. One being maybe that person isnt following you. Two, maybe you are getting too many spammy twits, and three you want to kind of refresh you twitter account and I will speak on that in another post.
With Tweet adder software, unfollowing twitter users is easy and less time consuming. You can also create a twitter safe list for those special Twit users in your life.

Check out Tweet Adder today, It is definitly a great tool to use in your twitter efforts. You wil not be disappointed at all, as I know some software can disappoint you.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Automate Tweets on Twitter- Twitter Automation


Taking part in this avant-garde Internet age, using "social marketing" has befall a very all the rage method. What does this mean? Using all the social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter to catch the eye of lots of happy customers. What's the secret? For many businesses, with the purpose the secret has been Tweet Adder.

This software is compatible with both Windows and Mac operating systems. It comes as a limitless trial.

Tweet Adder allows you to not simply follow a random group - it really lets you target your audience!

Automate your tweets on Twitter and enhance your twitter experience today.

Click HERE for a trial of the improved Tweet Adder Software

Friday, July 24, 2009

Best Twitter Software

Just wanted to update everyone on my Tweet Adder experience so far.
I don't use it for spamming, I use Tweet Adder in a way that gets me targeted followers, that I can interact with inteligently and also maybe gain some advice from them as well. So, let me tell you how my experience with Tweet Adder have been.

Key Things to Think of with Tweet Adder

  • Tweet Adder can be used for Windows or Mac
  • Twitter software (not like Hummingbird) can be used on you MAC
  • Did extensive research and all reviews of Tweet Adder were positive. All the information I gathered were great feedback, not one negative response.
    How I am using Tweet Adder
  • It’s really easy to find targeted followers. I do it, by first finding targeted people to follow, and when I find the right people to follow, usually, they follow me back. You can put in keywords that is related to your niche and find people who have the same interest
    This is a really powerful feature.

I can also specify Tweet Adder to do some automated tasks every time I log in, or at a specific time every single day. For instance, I could unfollow (as many people as I want) at a specific time, automatic follow users, or automatic send a message to all my followers.

Any newbie can use Tweet Adder and get up to 300 followers in as little as 20 min.
Click Here for more info on Tweet Adder Software.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tweet Adder Software Use Twitter in Your Marketing

Check out
Get more Followers Today!
Start Making money with Twitter Marketing.
Tweet Adder

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Twitter and Using Tweet Adder Software

Twitter and Using Tweet Adder Software

Using Tweet Adder Software is great. I have seen such a tremendous increase in my followers and it makes the Twitter Experience very easy and less time consuming.

You should get you a copy of Tweet Adder @

Tweet Adder.Net

Tweet Adder.Net

Thursday, July 16, 2009

My Tweets

Follow my Twits From This Blog..I Love Twitter its the best!!!

Automate Your Twitter

Make Following and Posting Messages Truly Automated..Used By The Top Guru's.
TweetAdder is a state of the art Tweet Adder Marketing Software that can and will enable a
Twitter User to automate their following, send messages to their followers and much more.

Tweet Adder enables the Twitter User to add multiple accounts, and with the Tweet Adder software you can schedule your Twitter actions and unfollowing actions to run in your sleep.
With TweetAdder you know longer need to be by your phone or in front of your computer to interact on Twitter.

Tweet Adder is ideal for the Internet Marketer, who wants to get messages out to their followers about their unique business.

Tweet Adder is also good for those who do not have much time in the day, but still would like to interact with their Twitter Friends.

Get Tweet Adder Today! You will not be disappointed as this Tweet Adder software beats all the rest.

I use Tweet Adder for my Proxycomm Business and Tweet Adder does wonders for my marketing efforts!!!

Ask Ebony The Air Force Marketer about "Tweet Adder" today and start making your "Twitter" experience much better than it already is!!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Ebony The Air Force Marketer Loves Her Some Dallas Cowboys-Check Out The Video

Using Global Grind to MArket your Online Business

Global Grind is a hip Hop Social Network that many Marketers don't use. However their is massive traffic that can be generated from Global Grind. Keep on ignoring it though, just means more traffic for me!!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Submit you Site to Social Networks

Always good to stay connected on the net..use various networking sites to expose your link. It is the best way to get backlinks and leads for your business.


Monday, July 6, 2009

Youtube Maintenance

I guess Youtube is going through some maintenance right now and I highly believe I am addicted to Youtube, because when it is down...I am down!!

I have made like 5 or 6 videos since it has been down and I really want to get them out there. I guess every video that I make, I feel like..oh this is my greatest one...this is the one.

I guess I just love to video blog and that is a good thing. But come on Youtube...come back up for a sista!!!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Yo MamaVideo on Marketing

Video Marketing On Youtube-No More Um's

I am trying not to say much in my video's so everytime I upload a video I am going to be very cognitive of not saying "um" and speak with confidence.

That is very important and it gives you readers a sense that you are confident in what you are talking about. Confidence is one of the keys to making money online and believing in your product and what you are talking about.

No more um's..or atleast I will

Youtube Video

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Trafficswarm Signup


TrafficSwarm is one of the oldest and most dominating traffic exchanges online. Upgrading with this traffic exchange is absolutely the best because you get 2500 credits which saves a lot of time and effort.

You also get more credits when you are a pro member so upgrade TODAY!

Join Today...Its Free to start!

Search the Web:

Need more targeted traffic?
Join TrafficSwarm for FREE!

Global Grind and Ebony The Air Force Marketer

I happen to love Global Grind it is an Internet Social Site. Check it out for yourself, its pretty amazing. It is a site that basically gives you all the latest news in particular Hip Hop News. It is a site founded by Russell Simmons and I think his brother is also a co-partner with him.

If you like digg, than you will love Global Grind. It is one of the less talked about social networks sites,however it is highly effective.

Who is The Air Force Marketer

Hello World,
My name is Ebony Locklear and the reason why I like to call myself "the Air Force Marketer", is because I have been active duty enlisted in the United States Air Force for 10 years and marketing online for 4 of those years.
MY Facebook
I am a proud member of the Air Force, and a very proud, and honest marketer. I have been married for 9 years and take pride in my 3 beautiful children. Currently the Air Force has me in San Antonio, Texas, however I am proud to say I am originally from Los Angeles, California.

I grew up on 2nd Ave. and Jefferson about 9 or 10 blocks down from a very famous well known street in South Central L.A. called "Crenshaw". Never did I imagine I would make it out of there, because there were so many obstacles in my way, but I never gave up, I believed in myself and I believed there was a better way.

With that being said I journeyed into marketing to earn some extra money on the side strictly for pleasure. However, that initial intent of pleasure turned into a lot of pain and loss of money because I had no clue in what I was doing. I failed, and I meaned I failed so much, my husband threatened to turn off the internet.

However, I kept the faith, it was a passion inside of me, a flame that could not be burned. Here I am today fulfilling my dream and my passion of marketing online successfully.

Join me in my journey to continue to help others be succesful. Call me at 210-881-0465. Skype me at: Ebusaf

Click on the following links below to find out more on the lucrative companies I am involved in. There will be more detailed info to come on each company and why it may suit your personal business needs.
Regenesis 2x2
Simple & Lucrative Money

My YOUTUBE also has more info on me...check it out and add me as a friend and subscribe:
Ebony's Youtube